6/10/24 6:00 AM | Neil "The Thunder from Down Under" | Zack Richardson (a) | Group 21 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/10/24 7:00 AM | Jamie "The Welsh Whirlwind" | Cheung Ka-Wai | Group 21 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/10/24 8:00 AM | Jamie "The Welsh Whirlwind" | Zack Richardson (a) | Group 21 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/10/24 11:00 AM | Neil "The Thunder from Down Under" | Cheung Ka-Wai | Group 21 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/10/24 12:00 PM | Cheung Ka-Wai | Zack Richardson (a) | Group 21 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/10/24 1:00 PM | Neil "The Thunder from Down Under" | Jamie "The Welsh Whirlwind" | Group 21 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/11/24 6:00 AM | Chris "Wonderful Wakelin" | Rory "The Highlander" (a) | Group 17 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/11/24 7:00 AM | Ian "Mr Burns" | Liam Pullen | Group 17 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/11/24 8:00 AM | Ian "Mr Burns" | Rory "The Highlander" (a) | Group 17 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/11/24 11:00 AM | Chris "Wonderful Wakelin" | Liam Pullen | Group 17 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/11/24 12:00 PM | Liam Pullen | Rory "The Highlander" (a) | Group 17 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/11/24 1:00 PM | Chris "Wonderful Wakelin" | Ian "Mr Burns" | Group 17 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 6:00 AM | Joe "K.O." | Harvey "The Obliterator" (a) | Group 22 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 6:00 AM | Stephen "On-Fire" | Ryan Davies (a) | Group 23 | 0-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 7:00 AM | Aaron "De Breeze" | Oliver Lines | Group 22 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 7:00 AM | Michael "Lightning" (susp.) | Dean Young | Group 23 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 8:00 AM | Aaron "De Breeze" | Harvey "The Obliterator" (a) | Group 22 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 8:00 AM | Michael "Lightning" (susp.) | Ryan Davies (a) | Group 23 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 11:00 AM | Joe "K.O." | Oliver Lines | Group 22 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 11:00 AM | Stephen "On-Fire" | Dean Young | Group 23 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 12:00 PM | Oliver Lines | Harvey "The Obliterator" (a) | Group 22 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 12:00 PM | Dean Young | Ryan Davies (a) | Group 23 | 1-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 1:00 PM | Joe "K.O." | Aaron "De Breeze" | Group 22 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/13/24 1:00 PM | Stephen "On-Fire" | Michael "Lightning" (susp.) | Group 23 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/18/24 6:00 AM | Ricky "Stamina Man" | Umut Dikme (a) | Group 24 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/18/24 7:00 AM | Martin "The M.O.D." | Rory Thor | Group 24 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/18/24 8:00 AM | Martin "The M.O.D." | Umut Dikme (a) | Group 24 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/18/24 11:00 AM | Ricky "Stamina Man" | Rory Thor | Group 24 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/18/24 12:00 PM | Rory Thor | Umut Dikme (a) | Group 24 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/18/24 1:00 PM | Ricky "Stamina Man" | Martin "The M.O.D." | Group 24 | 1-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/21/24 6:00 AM | Stuart "Ball-run" | Hamim Hussain (a) | Group 18 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/21/24 7:00 AM | Anthony "Sheriff of Pottingham" | Ahmed Aly Elsayed | Group 18 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/21/24 8:00 AM | Anthony "Sheriff of Pottingham" | Hamim Hussain (a) | Group 18 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/21/24 11:00 AM | Stuart "Ball-run" | Ahmed Aly Elsayed | Group 18 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/21/24 12:00 PM | Ahmed Aly Elsayed | Hamim Hussain (a) | Group 18 | 0-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/21/24 1:00 PM | Stuart "Ball-run" | Anthony "Sheriff of Pottingham" | Group 18 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 6:00 AM | Jamie O'Neill (a) | Alfie Davies (a) | Group 19 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 6:00 AM | Pang Junxu | Gerard "GG" (a) | Group 20 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 7:00 AM | Long Zehuang | Lei Peifan | Group 19 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 7:00 AM | Stuart Carrington | Gong Chenzhi | Group 20 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 8:00 AM | Long Zehuang | Alfie Davies (a) | Group 19 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 8:00 AM | Stuart Carrington | Gerard "GG" (a) | Group 20 | 3-0 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 11:00 AM | Jamie O'Neill (a) | Lei Peifan | Group 19 | 0-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 11:00 AM | Pang Junxu | Gong Chenzhi | Group 20 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 12:00 PM | Lei Peifan | Alfie Davies (a) | Group 19 | 1-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 12:00 PM | Gong Chenzhi | Gerard "GG" (a) | Group 20 | 3-1 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 1:00 PM | Jamie O'Neill (a) | Long Zehuang | Group 19 | 1-3 | 1 - 3 points |
6/22/24 1:00 PM | Pang Junxu | Stuart Carrington | Group 20 | 2-2 | 1 - 3 points |